Darren Calhoun
Darren Calhoun is a justice advocate, worship leader, and photographer based out of Chicago. He works to bridge connections between people of differing perspectives through story and relationship.
Currently, Darren leads worship at Urban Village Church and serves in multiple capacities with organizations like Evangelicals for Social Action, The Center for Inclusivity, and The Reformation Project and Q Christian Fellowship. He also sings with a progressive Christian band called The Many. He’s facilitated workshops and lead worship for local and national gatherings and events.
Darren brings with him an intentional focus on communities and churches being inclusive of a diversity of people and expressions as an authentic reflection of love and justice. Lastly, Darren is an extrovert who loves hugs.
“I’ve gone from being forced to hide parts of myself in a basement to literally being able to stand up and remind people that God loves everyone. That includes me as a black, gay man.”
The Intersection of Race and LGBTQ Identity
Talking about race, faith, and sexuality isn’t always easy, but it’s needed now more than ever. In this talk, Darren shares his personal journey to bridge the divide that exists between racial and sexual inclusivity. He provides a welcoming and engaging voice in this difficult conversation space. Darren’s program will provide insights and practical ways the church can become a place where all feel welcomed and loved.
Is Your Church Really Welcoming to LGBTQ People?
Is your church a place of love and community for LGBTQ Christians and their allies, or one of alienation and trauma? Don’t answer too quickly. You might first want to hear what worship leader, artist, and justice seeker Darren Calhoun, has to say. He’ll share his often difficult, confusing, frustrating, but ultimately graceful journey through a number of different congregations and faith-based groups, and lead a conversation about how language, leadership, and inclusion can make your church or community a place where LGBTQ people truly feel like they belong.
Make Love Louder: how to help people put their bodies where their hearts are
You come from a progressive congregation, you hate racism and discrimination, but so often you and your community have no idea what to do about that? This workshop will look at some doable and powerful ways you can help your group make love louder.
VIDEO (above): Darren Calhoun’s message at the King Avenue UMC “Changing the Conversation” event 2017
Photo by Daniel Rarela for People Magazine
Connect with DARREN
Facebook: @DarrenCalhoun
Twitter: @HeyDarren
Instagram: @HeyDarren