Community Practices

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F.A.R.M. Cafe (Feed All Regardless of Means) with Tommy Brown

Feed All Regardless of Means - The Story of a Community Cafe Each weekday a great lunch is prepared that is available to everybody regardless of their ability to pay. At common tables and lunch counters persons who are food insecure including the homeless, mentally ill, and working poor sit with and share a meal and conversation with persons who are students, lawyers, business owners, retirees, and resort area tourists. By simply removing the economic barrier that generally isolates and segregates us, F.A.R.M. Cafe is not only fighting food insecurity but also expressing church beyond barriers and walls. 


Faithful Presence with Anthony Smith

What does it look like to practice faithful presence outside the walls of the church? In this session Anthony looks at theology that would have us practice faithful presence in places that need healing and ministry. How can communities of faith discern together what their presence in the community looks like? Through stories, examples, theological reflection, from his experiences with his church community at Mission House, Anthony will help guide you toward what faithful presence looks like for you in your context.


The BeLoved Community Process

The BeLoved homeless intentional community and organizing community in Asheville continually lives out a process of healing and transformation with everyone in their community. Co-founder, Amy Cantrell, teaches about this process and helps people contextualize it to their community. In this session you will:

Learn to build community equitably

Practice deep listening and learn how to encourage deep listening in groups

Learn what is means to hold sanctuary

Learn a deconstructive process that pulls out the poison of oppression

Encourage constructive processes of co-creating solutions, alternatives