Indianapolis, IN
This plenary will explore the ways nonprofits, churches, and community organizers in Memphis are addressing the pervasive systemic challenge of the segregation of people and resources. Our panelists are co-laboring as a community of practice to address gaps in traditional community development and economic development.
Vahisha Hasan, M.A., Ed.S., M.Div., Board Member, Memphis Coalition of Action and Hope (MICAH); Assistant Professor of Human Services at Memphis Center for Urban and Theological Studies (MCUTS); Associate Minister, Christ Missionary Baptist Church (Memphis, TN)
Floridia Jackson, Executive Director, School of Servant Leadership (Memphis, TN)
Justin Merrick, Executive Director, Center for Transforming Communities, Inc. (Memphis, TN)
Dawn Phillips, Executive Director, Right to the City Alliance (Oakland, CA)
The Rev. Dr. Richard L. Tolliver, Founder, St. Edmunds Redevelopment Corporation (Chicago, IL)