"Self Love is Self Care" w/ Dr. Emilie Townes
By Faith Matters Network
2023 Womanist Wisdom Series
"Redeeming Self-Love"
I love my skin. I love my body. I love my brilliance. I love me. Self-love is about celebrating oneself.
How can that be done in the midst of the busyness and challenges of life? Faith Matters Network is proud to present our second annual Womanist Wisdom series focused on Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas’ third tenet of womanism: redemptive self-love. The series asks the question, how can I love myself, regardless? Gleaning from our diverse group of beloved wisdom-keepers provides the opportunity to renew our commitment to loving ourselves.
Our first session in this series features Faith Matters Network's long-time friend & womanist scholar, Dr. Emilie M. Townes. Join us for a conversation moderated by one of our executive leaders at FMN, Brittney Jackson. We'll explore the deeper meaning of self-care as a form of self-love and how we can better engage in practices that nourish our whole self-- spirit, body, and mind.