Jennifer (Jay) Yoder
Jennifer (Jay) Yoder began sexual violence advocacy in college at Ohio State University, co-chairing the anti-violence group on campus, and organizing the Columbus, OH Take Back the Night event. Jennifer sat on a university panel to update the sexual violence policies for OSU, filed an Office for Civil Rights complaint against OSU for the standard of evidence required in sexual misconduct cases, and won a more reasonable standard of evidence. In addition, Jennifer supported another student in filing a Clery Act complaint against the university, and OSU was investigated and found in violation. Jennifer also chaired a campaign to remove the head of Judicial Affairs from office, which led to his removal and replacement with a much more qualified candidate.
Trained as sexual violence advocate at SARNCO (Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio), Jennifer supported rape survivors during rape exams in hospitals; counseled callers to a rape crisis hotline; and taught workshops and trainings on consent, working with trauma survivors, and self-defense.
Jennifer spent time working as the Victim’s Services Coordinator for Ohio’s statewide coalition, The Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, supporting rape crisis centers, training police officers and attorneys, and supporting survivors around the state. Currently, Jennifer is a social justice activist, community organizer, advocate, and educator, with expertise in undoing oppressions such as racism, sexism, and queerphobia. Jennifer also co-founded Pink Menno, a movement for queer inclusion in the Mennonite Church.
Coming soon!