Announcing Three Powerful Prophetic Voices in Transform Network's Speakers Bureau

We're excited to announce the addition of three power prophetic voices to Transform Network's Speakers Bureau! They are available now to come speak to your church or group and train you in a variety of topics related to faith and social transformation:

  • Dr. Jayme R. Reaves is a UK-based theologian whose focus is on sexual abuse and the church, as well as what she calls "protective hospitality" or, as it is also known, sanctuary.

  • Steve Pavey is an artist-, scholar-, contemplative-activist –– all of which come together in the vocation of cultivating a way to see, in order to bear witness to the world both as it is, and as it could be.

  • Anita Grace Brown creates safe places in which students can: practice yoga and meditation, let go of all judgment and distraction, and release self-doubt.

Today we’re also announcing the launch of Creative Partners with Steve Pavey of Hope In Focus as our first creative partner!

As Emma Goldman once famously said, “If there’s no dancing, it’s not my revolution.” The creative arts have a significant role to play in any movement for transformative social change. Artists are prefigurative and can see and express visions of a better world that inspire us and keep us on the path for social transformation. That is why Transform Network is honored to collaborate with cultural creatives.

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